Time Delta

Paul-Andrew Joseph Miseiko esoteric at teardrop.ca
Sun Nov 14 23:37:35 EST 2004

Yes getting NTP working is the best solution.

You can run ntpdate (example: ntpdate teardrop.ca) inside a crontab as root
once a day or for optimal time synchronization run ntpd.

To run ntpd first setup the /etc/ntp.conf file by placing a few lines in it
as so:

restrict noquery nomodify notrap nopeer
restrict noserve nomodify notrap nopeer
restrict default ignore

This will synchronize to my server using the default poll values and will
allow the localhost the ability to view NTP statistics with programs such as
ntpq and ntpdc.  (To see offset statistics try "ntptime", or "ntpq -p", or
"ntpdc -c sysinfo".

-----Original Message-----
From: hybrid-bounces at lists.ircd-hybrid.org
[mailto:hybrid-bounces at lists.ircd-hybrid.org] On Behalf Of Peter Evans
Sent: November 14, 2004 11:06 PM
To: General IRCD-Hybrid Discussion
Subject: Re: Time Delta

simos (simos at simosnap.com) wrote:
> i've this problem when i try to link a server on a shell account without 
> root access to synch time

	Get someone to fix the time for you. thats almost 7 hours out.

	Since is learn.unix-tips.com. One would think they
	could at least get ntp working. ^^;

> -irc.*****.com- *** Notice -- Link 
> gaia.*****.com[unknown at] dropped, excessive TS delta (my 
> TS=1100488773, their TS=1100513524, delta=24751)


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