Max clients problem

Massimo @ eCS . it massimo at
Thu Sep 16 15:01:21 EDT 2004

Hi all,

to run our network we use Hybrid v7.0.3, but we have a problems..
Our irc operators complain that no more than 10 can connect to each per server
(i'm talking about leaf servers).

Our 2 hub show this when connecting:
■■■ 14 Max Local Connections Allowed
■■■ 56 Max Global Users Allowed

while leafs show:
■■■ 9 Max Local Connections Allowed
■■■ 56 Max Global Users Allowed

(in the server info section of the hub server, i have: max_clients=1024;
while in the leaf's conf i've  max_clients=200;)
Why that?
Any idea?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help.

Massimo S.
- eCS Irc Network
-  6667
- channels:  #eCS  #eCSita

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