can someone explain to me what is wrong with Jack L.

Aaron Sethman androsyn at
Thu Feb 24 17:43:03 EST 2005

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Jonathan R. Lusky wrote:

> Bad parents.  But that doesn't have anything to do with Hybrid either.
> Unless he's done the same thing in the Hybrid source tree, please take this
> somewhere else.

The point is that you've given said person commit access to the hybrid 
source tree.  How is a network like EFnet supposed to trust code coming 
from someone to sink to this level.  And yes it is quite easy to sneak in 
code into the cvs tree without the emails getting sent out, just hit 
control-c before it gets to that part.  If he can't be trusted to respect 
the copyrights of others, how can he be trusted with code running on 



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