TS6 IP-sending bug?

Rachel Llorenna rachies at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 17:53:02 EST 2005

According to fl's specification of TS6 (from

The <IP> field contains the clients IP.  If the IP is not to be sent
(due to a spoof etc), the field must be sent as "0".  The <UID> field is the 
clients UID.  The <GECOS> field is the clients gecos.

However, my test network seems to be sending 0 regardless of the fact
that the IP shouldn't be hidden. It's not spoofed and uses almost an
identical configuration to my hub (which does send the full IP
address.) I'm not sure if this is just something I overlooked in the
configuration, but it seems like a bug to me. Could anyone please
comment on whether or not they've had similar issues?

My network is connected like so:
leaf.frequency.dk [Users: 1 (33.3%)]
 `- apothegm.frequency.dk [Users: 1 (33.3%)]
     `- cerberus.int [Users: 1 (33.3%)]
End of /MAP

cerberus.int receives IP addresses from users of
apothegm.frequency.dk, but not leaf.frequency.dk, which is one hop
further away. Is it perhaps some sort of 'security option' to prevent
IP addresses from propagating network-wide?

Rachel Llorenna (frequency)

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