OT: important petition (sorry)
Massimo S.
massimo at ecomstation.it
Sun Sep 11 19:26:00 EDT 2005
Sorry for the off-topic post, but i believe it's quite important:
Just a short notice that we plan to close the OS2 Petition soon. So if you haven't signed
it yet, take the opportunity to do so and join the other 12.901 people that has signed the
petition so far. Visit following url to do so:
This signed petition will be send to IBM requesting to make OS/2 Open Source or at least
part of its components.
It is known that OS/2 isn't well supported by companies that make software or by
individual developers, and OS/2 faces a high possibility of being replaced and/or
withdrawn from the market. Hence this petition to IBM so the much-loved OS/2 Technology
can be freely distributed and developed around the world. We understand that making OS/2
Open source will be beneficial for the IBM customers as well as for IBM, if the hurdle of
third-party supplied code can be overcome. To this end we are willing to contribute our
own efforts.
Thanks, sorry again.
Massimo S.
- eCS Irc Network
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