[hybrid] Problems becoming an IRC operator.

SNEHAL PATEL snehalpatel1410 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 20:27:16 EST 2013

Hi All,

I am a newbie in setting up an IRC server/
I have my IRC up and running but I am not able to become an IRC operator.
I am able to become a channel operator.

Following are the auth and oper blocks I have in the order. When I try to
be an IRC operator I always get error code "491" which probably says that I
am missing an "O-line".
But I don't understand where and how to write that "O-line".

In the operator block I did try writing the following line but it did not
 user = "O:sn6i23a";

Any help is really appreciated. I am using version 8.0.4


auth {
     * user: the user at host allowed to connect. Multiple user
     * lines are permitted per auth block.
    #user = "*@";
    #user = "*test at 123D:B567:*";
    user = "*@*";

    /* password: an optional password that is required to use this block */
    #password = "letmein";

     * encrypted: controls whether the auth password above has been
     * encrypted.
    encrypted = yes;

     * spoof: fake the users host to this.  This is free-form,
     * just do everyone a favor and don't abuse it. ('=' prefix on /stats I)
    spoof = "I.still.hate.packets - Snehal";

    /* class: the class the user is placed in */
    class = "opers";

     * need_password - don't allow users who haven't supplied the correct
     *                 password to connect using another auth{} block
     *                 ('&' prefix on /stats I if disabled)
     * need_ident    - require the user to have identd to connect ('+'
prefix on /stats I)
     * spoof_notice  - enable spoofing notification to admins
     * exceed_limit  - allow a user to exceed class limits ('>' prefix on
/stats I)
     * kline_exempt  - exempt this user from k/glines ('^' prefix on /stats
     * gline_exempt  - exempt this user from glines ('_' prefix on /stats I)
     * resv_exempt   - exempt this user from resvs ('$' prefix on /stats I)
     * no_tilde      - remove ~ from a user with no ident ('-' prefix on
/stats I)
     * can_flood     - allow this user to exceed flood limits ('|' prefix
on /stats I)
    flags = need_password, spoof_notice, exceed_limit, kline_exempt,
        gline_exempt, resv_exempt, no_tilde, can_flood;

#     flags = spoof_notice, exceed_limit, kline_exempt,
#        gline_exempt, resv_exempt, no_tilde, can_flood;


auth {
     * redirect: the server and port to redirect a user to.  A user does
     * not have to obey the redirection, the ircd just suggests an
     * server for them.
    redirserv = "this.is.not.a.real.server";
    redirport = 6667;

    user = "*.server";

    /* class: a class is required even though it is not used */
    class = "users";

auth {
    user = "*@*";
    class = "users";
#    flags = need_ident;

operator {
    /* name: the name of the oper */
    name = "Snehal Patel";

     * user: the user at host required for this operator. Multiple
     * user="" lines are supported.
    #user = "*sheep at";
    #user = "*@";
    user = "sn6i23a";

     * password: the password required to oper.  By default this will
     * need to be encrypted by using the provided mkpasswd tool.
     * Several password hash algorithms are available depending
     * on your system's crypt() implementation. For example, a modern
     * glibc already has support for SHA-256/512, and MD5 encryption
     * algorithms.
    password = "td2do/4xnfiUE";

     * encrypted: controls whether the oper password above has been
     * encrypted.
    encrypted = yes;

     * rsa_public_key_file: the public key for this oper when using
     * A password should not be defined when this is used, see
     * doc/challenge.txt for more information.
    rsa_public_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/oper.pub";

    /* class: the class the oper joins when they successfully /oper */
    class = "opers";

     * umodes: default usermodes opers get when they /oper.  If defined,
     * it will override oper_umodes settings in general {}.
     * Available usermodes:
     * +b - bots         - See bot and drone flooding notices
     * +c - cconn        - Client connection/quit notices
     * +C - cconn_full   - Client connection/quit notices full
     * +D - deaf         - Don't receive channel messages
     * +d - debug        - See debugging notices
     * +f - full         - See auth{} block full notices
     * +G - softcallerid - Server Side Ignore for users not on your channels
     * +g - callerid     - Server Side Ignore (for privmsgs etc)
     * +H - hidden       - Hides operator status to other users
     * +i - invisible    - Not shown in NAMES or WHO unless you share a
     *                     a channel
     * +j - rej          - See rejected client notices
     * +k - skill        - See server generated KILL messages
     * +l - locops       - See LOCOPS messages
     * +n - nchange      - See client nick changes
     * +s - servnotice   - See general server notices
     * +u - unauth       - See unauthorized client notices
     * +w - wallop       - See server generated WALLOPS
     * +x - external     - See remote server connection and split notices
     * +y - spy          - See LINKS, STATS, TRACE notices etc.
     * +z - operwall     - See oper generated WALLOPS
    umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;

     * privileges: controls the activities and commands an oper is
     * allowed to do on the server. All options default to no.
     * Available options:
     * module       - allows MODULE
     * global_kill  - allows remote users to be /KILL'd
     * remote       - allows remote SQUIT and CONNECT
     * remoteban    - allows remote KLINE/UNKLINE
     * dline        - allows DLINE
     * undline      - allows UNDLINE
     * kline        - allows KILL and KLINE
     * unkline      - allows UNKLINE
     * gline        - allows GLINE
     * xline        - allows XLINE
     * globops      - allows GLOBOPS
     * operwall     - allows OPERWALL
     * nick_changes - allows oper to see nickchanges via usermode +n
     * rehash       - allows oper to REHASH config
     * die          - allows DIE
     * restart      - allows RESTART
     * set          - allows SET
     * admin        - gives admin privileges. admins for example,
     *                may see the real IP addresses of servers.
    flags = global_kill, remote, kline, unkline, xline, globops, restart,
        die, rehash, nick_changes, admin, operwall, module;
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