
Josh "Nikaji" Stefanski nikaji at
Wed Jul 7 11:13:48 EDT 2004

Actually scuzzy has been gone for a long while now, I think its been a 
year? Dest was recruited to coder and he rewrote services from the 
ground up.
I've got a snapshot of the older modified hybrid and hybserv code from 
scuzzy sitting around on a backup cd somewhere, heh. And I'll try the 
cvs snapshots, thanks.

Joshua Kwan wrote:

>On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 11:46:46PM -0400, Josh Nikaji Stefanski wrote:
>>Question, what does everyone use for services?
>>I know hybserv is, or was, good choice to run alongside ircd-hybrid 
>>(I've been running it myself for quite some time). The only thing is the 
>>rather unstable codebase hybserv is built on and I'm wondering if there 
>>are any alternatives that live up to hybserv's compatibility/feature list.
>Hybserv works... it's just kind of buggy. Are you using cvs snaps at
> That is what I have packaged in Debian (although I
>don't use it anymore, so I've just orphaned it.)
>FWIW Aniverse uses a patched Hybserv I think, you'd have to hit up
>scuzzy to get the source... I think.
Josh "Nikaji" Stefanski

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