Rachel Llorenna rachies at
Sat Feb 5 13:34:48 EST 2005

Unfortunately, such an idea would require a complete rewrite of the
program, or some really kludgy stuff that I don't endorse. You *could*
write a handler to mess with parv[] and pass it to mo_operspy, but
that's not recommended.

The best (easiest) way to do it would be to use your client to add
those mappings instead. If you really want to do it, you have to copy
every section out of mo_operspy and save those in their individual
modules.. I wouldn't say that it's a lot of fun, either, even though
it's pretty trivial.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 11:11:08 -0700, temp <temp at> wrote:
> As I said before, I'm not really a coder, I just try to find other stuff
> that people have made and modify it to my needs.  Have any idea of a quick
> way to map /owho /owhois, etc, to the operspy commands?

Rachel Llorenna (frequency)

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