Change of settings

temp temp at
Mon Mar 7 10:50:37 EST 2005

I would imagine if operserv is killing you it's a setting you'd change on
services, not on the ircd.  Anti_nick flood doesn't kill you, it simply
limits the number of times you can change your nick.  So you can rehash the
ircd all you want, but you'll have to change the settings in services to get
it to work.  I don't know the settings off hand because I don't use hybserv.

-----Original Message-----
From: hybrid-bounces at
[mailto:hybrid-bounces at] On Behalf Of Dmitry
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 7:02 AM
To: hybrid at
Subject: Change of settings


Sorry for my second foolish question but why when I modify a config
file (ircd.conf) and I restart a server, settings of a server do not
change? REHASH command of OperServ has no effect too. For example, I

general {
  anti_nick_flood = no;
  max_nick_time = 1 seconds;
  max_nick_changes = 10;

But I continue to receive the message:

[15:54:11] Closing Link: mynick (Killed (OperServ (Glined:
Reconnect / NICK flooding. (

after 5 cycles of fast connect/disconnect. How I can change settings?
Or I do something incorrectly... Thanks.


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