Change of settings

PC^God pcgod at
Mon Mar 7 20:19:19 EST 2005

temp wrote:
> I would imagine if operserv is killing you it's a setting you'd change on
> services, not on the ircd.  Anti_nick flood doesn't kill you, it simply
> limits the number of times you can change your nick.  So you can rehash the
> ircd all you want, but you'll have to change the settings in services to get
> it to work.  I don't know the settings off hand because I don't use hybserv.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hybrid-bounces at
> [mailto:hybrid-bounces at] On Behalf Of Dmitry
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 7:02 AM
> To: hybrid at
> Subject: Change of settings
> Hi!
> Sorry for my second foolish question but why when I modify a config
> file (ircd.conf) and I restart a server, settings of a server do not
> change? REHASH command of OperServ has no effect too. For example, I
> wrote:
> general {
>   anti_nick_flood = no;
>   max_nick_time = 1 seconds;
>   max_nick_changes = 10;
> };
> But I continue to receive the message:
> [15:54:11] Closing Link: mynick (Killed (OperServ (Glined:
> Reconnect / NICK flooding. (
> after 5 cycles of fast connect/disconnect. How I can change settings?
> Or I do something incorrectly... Thanks.

Quite correct, it is a compile time option in Hybserv2, so you'll have 
to rebuild it. Search include/config.h for ADVFLOOD and #undef it. 
Recompile, reinstall, restart.

-- PC^God --

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