A few dumb questions

Lee H lee at leeh.co.uk
Fri Mar 25 10:47:13 EST 2005

On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 07:54:49AM -0500, Nick wrote:
> my question has to do with the channels of a chat server. I assume there
> is a way to define channels at the server and make it so the user cannot
> create new ones but has to join an existing one, but i cant seem to find
> this.

There is a method -- but you have to edit the code to do it.  Most networks
work the other way round, users can join any channels except a few that are
barred by operators.  You can invert this behaviour to get what you want --
so only barred channels can be joined.

You will need to "resv" the channels you want to ban, and then in
modules/m_join.c, change the if(find_channel_resv(name) ...) to
if(!find_channel_resv(name) ...)

More information on resv is available via /quote help resv

-                 Lee H // anfl
-        I code, therefore I break things.
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