Question about IPv6 in ircd-hybrid-7.0.3

Alan LeVee alan.levee at
Wed Mar 30 04:25:08 EST 2005

I have a rather crucial question regarding ircd-hybrid-7.0.3. I have come
across information (and I cannot verify it, nor deny it) that
ircd-hybrid-7.0.3 has a nasty bug relating to the IPv6 code being broken. To
be more specific, the information I received was basically explaining that
when an IPv6 connection socket was in use, that the IPv4 listening sockets
would basically lock and deny any connections.

I'd hate for this to be the case since some of the servers on our network
(mainly 2) 'require' IPv6 in order to function and one does also support
IPv4 connections as well and we cannot afford the inability of IPv4 clients
connecting to that particular leaf if the IPv6 connection sockets have
locked IPv4. As I have said though, I cannot confirm, nor prove it wrong
without knowing absolutely sure that this is true. If anyone can however
confirm to me that this bug is not in existence for ircd-hybrid-7.0.3 that
would be great.


Alan LeVee
ChatJunkies IRC Network

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