TS6 ID's

Rachel Llorenna rachies at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 20:12:43 EST 2005

Whatever works - Again, I was just curious why it was implemented that
way. It's just a bit curious, that's all.

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 01:10:09 +0000, Lee H <lee at leeh.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 06:57:21PM -0500, Rachel Llorenna wrote:
> > I'm curious as to why the TS6 documentation
> > (http://www.leeh.co.uk/ircd/TS6.txt) chooses to use only capital
> > letters and numbers for ID's, effectively making them case
> > insensitive. It would greatly increase the number of available unique
> > ID's to use both upper- and lowercase, would it not? Then, you could
> > reduce the number of characters and maybe save a few bytes of
> > bandwidth per user.
> The spec was designed on the principle that a clients UID must also be a
> perfectly valid nickname, that way you can (if it was so desired) create a
> new TS protocol that forced a nick change on a collision, rather than
> issuing a KILL.  Hence why a SID must start with a digit, to avoid namespace
> collisions with normal clients, whilst retaining validity of a nick.
> That said, if you wanted to save bandwidth, whats the point in limiting to
> alphanumerics?  You have a full ascii table and nearly all of it could be
> used.  If you want to save bandwidth, you give it as many characters as
> possible, not restrict it to some specific subset.
> I find it somewhat amusing that im being lectured in basic maths from you.
> --
> -                       Lee H // anfl
> -     Out Of Cheese Error.  Replace lesbian jam to continue.


Rachel Llorenna (frequency)

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